Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Another dinner

Tonight we the kids and I headed out to dinner because we were getting cabin fever. We were going to walk but decided to drive since it was cooling off again quickly. The kids were great at dinner...even the women next to us commented on their ability to sit and eat! Amelie's palette still continues to amaze me. She is like Travers in that she will eat different and spicy food! Tonight she had her own bowl of salsa, which had a kick to it, and a lime! Isabelle pushed both of these away and stuck to the french fries! Travers ate a bit of everything. Since we did not walk to dinner we walked around the center where the restaurant is located....I will always remember our guide on our first trip to China making us walk a mile after every dinner! Huh....wonder if that is what helps them stay so slim!
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