Monday, March 3, 2008

Cleaning-day two

The kids all wanted to clean again today!! Perfect! I let them go to town. But boy...they sure do like a clean T.V.!!
Just a few updates on what the kids are doing:

Travers loves to talk! He has been making up "rules" for everyone lately which are pretty funny. He still like to play with his trains, sharks and dinosaurs and his creativity never ceases to amaze me. Today we passed a goose on the golf course and I said, "Travers there is a goose." Travers answered, "Where are the geese?" I was impressed!

Amelie is doing great! She can now say all of our names and loves to walk around calling people. She loves to climb on everything and thinks the best way to get onto the chair in the family room is to climb onto the side table first. She is getting two teeth and they look so painful. She is not sleeping well tonight! Amelie loves to try to dress herself and loves the bath. Amelie love our dog Boone!

Isabelle is still pretty laid back. She loves to run and the sound of her little feet on the floor always makes me smile. She too is a climber. Isabelle loves big trucks. Today I pointed out a large front loader to her and she looked at it and said, "Wow!" and laughed. It was too cute! Isabelle is not too fond of Boone but will give her a pat or a kiss every once in awhile.
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