Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Look out Pre-Kindergarten!!

Here comes Travers! He was so ready to go to school this morning and was very excited!! Travers picked out his clothes and dressed himself before I could make it in his room! We had a crazy morning in our house...and since he and I had just gone to the pre-k open house yesterday....JP and I decided not to go in for T's first day. JP dropped him off in the carpool line and in he went.

Around 8:30 I get a call from a good friend (who, with her husband, walked their son into school) and she leaves a message laughing. I call her back and she tells me Travers had her and her husband laughing. Oh no...what did he say!!

She told me that he walked into school, held out his hand for his teacher to shake and said, "Hello. My name is Travers Wong and I am here for pre-k. My dad is very busy so I am here all by myself." He then walked to his cubby and put his stuff away. My friend said he was all business and all he was missing was a 3-piece suit.

I felt bad and was a bit nervous to pick T up thinking he might have been bothered by not having his parents come in. NOPE...he came bounding out saying he loved EVERYTHING about school. He also asked me when he gets to go to the REAL kindergarten!!

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1 comment:

Louanne said...

That's just so cute!!!!