Monday, May 19, 2008

Who needs teeth?

These are not the best photos but you get the idea. Last Monday Isabelle was cruising down the driveway on her toy when she hit something and went flying. She landed on her face and cracked her two front teeth. Turns out one of them has a horizontal crack which means it must be pulled. We meet with the oral surgeon next Thursday. If they do pull it she will be without a tooth until she is 6 or 7 and her permanent tooth comes in!
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Louanne said...

Oh my! I did this as an adult about 6 years ago and the only good thing was that the crack was just below the root, so they were able to put fake tips on my teeth. One has needed repair already, but they match my teeth so it's okay.

I hope that everything goes smoothly.

Stacie said...

Oh god heather. This is my greatest fear for z. but, as you will find out it is no big deal to the kids once they are out.. in fact the other kids will be jealous! i think it is much harder on the moms! your girls sound like dare devils like z.