Saturday, October 11, 2008


Today was a tough day. Today Papa did not open his eyes or move when his wife, sons, or daughter talked to him. Today it was decided that the dialysis which has helped Papa live for the past 4 years would be stopped. We know Papa's life will soon end. We are sad...but when we look back on Papa's life we can't help but smile!

Papa was born in Guangzhou, China.

Papa's father came to America and worked as a banker on the railroad. He then brought the rest of his family to America when Papa was 11 years old.

Papa's family settled in Colorado where they opened a restaurant. When papa was in his teens he went to militery school in Missouri.

After his graduation Papa's life became an adventure! Papa went to film school at USC.

After realizing that film school was not for him Papa learned French and headed to medical school in Switerland. This is where Papa and Meme fell in love and were married.

Papa and Meme returned to America and lived in many cities as Papa did his residency. They settled in Springfield, Missouri where they raised their six children.

Papa worked as a Neurologist until he was in his seventies.

Papa and Meme are amazing grandparents and in-laws. They have 13 grandchildren. Their family is amazing!

Papa will be missed. We can only hope we can let our children understand how special he was and how much he is a part of them. It will be a hard week.

We love you Papa!


Cristina said...

What a beautiful tribute to your dear Papa, Heather. I am getting teary here in Tassie, and praying that he passes peacefully. Big hugs to you all,
Cristina xxx

Gina (Caleeo) said...

Sending hugs also. I echo Christina's thoughts in saying that this is an absolutely beautiful, tear provoking tribute. It evokes honor, respect and love.

Stacie said...

i remember you said that you could not "write". you sell yourself short, my friend. Your words are beautiful and will be treasured for many, many years. thank you for sharing papa's story!

Shelle said...

Heather, that is beautiful. Wow, what a life he had and what a legacy he leaves. I see him in Jean-Paul and Mimi. Such a beautiful family.

Blessings always,

Rebecca said...

So very sorry to hear of this loss to your family. The pictures and tribute you posted were truly moving. What a beautiful family, and so many lives changed because of one couple over the course of a lifetime.

Louanne said...

Sorry I am so late commenting, but I am sitting here in tears. What an amazing tribute and all the photos tell the story with you. I am sorry for your family and pray for their continued peace. Hugs from Texas.