Thursday, November 13, 2008

Toy time

(It was the Sears toy catalog...not JC Penny! How could I forget!! Thanks for reminding me!!)
I remember looking through every page of the Sears toy catalog as a child and circling the one's I wanted Santa to bring me for Christmas!!

I laughed when I walked in the room and Isabelle was very intently reading the Target toy catalog! It made me smile!


Gina (Caleeo) said...

Mine was the Sears "wishbook". Adorable photo!

Shelle said...

Yep, Sears Wishbook- loved it when the mailman brought that book to the house. Mattea was all over the Target and Toys R' Us catalogs too, in fact she has one stashed in her toy box- everything of great value goes in there!

Hope you guys are having a better month!


Heather said...

You are right!!! It was Sears!!