Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Outdoor play

Tonight Travers and dad headed to the Bass Pro Shop for some fun. Travers LOVES this store. He actually really loves the original store located in Springfield, MO because it has a museum and aquarium in addition to the store but our "little" version will do for him!

The girls and I decided to head outside because it is really cool here tonight thanks to hurricane Dolly...or what's left of her. The girls ate lollipops, talked to grandma and played with the neighbors cat! Which of course was the highlight for them being that half the time they are cats these days! We also ran into our neighbors and decided to go for a short walk. The older girls showed Amelie and Isabelle a small playhouse nearby and they all had a tea part. They loved it! I just followed as the girls played. The older girls said they were going to come over every night until school started because they just love Isabelle and Amelie!
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1 comment:

Jeff and Amy said...

All new photos are so cute!! Love the kitty photo, too funny. LOL