Wednesday, August 6, 2008

One year ago

Our first glimpse of Amelie with her nanny!
Amelie meeting mom
Amelie meeting dad
We were in China one year ago today meeting Amelie!

Amelie has grown so much in the past year. When we met her she was underweight and very dehydrated....she hardly looked like the chubby baby in our referral photo.

Now she is a thriving (almost) 2 year old who is so full of life and spends most of the day laughing. From the moment we met her she took hold of us and never let's like she knew she was always meant to be a part of our family and wanted to let us know.

We will never let you go Amelie! We will always love and support you in whatever you choose to do! You are an amazing little girl with an old soul. Thank you for letting us in your heart and soul and for letting us be your mom, dad, brother and sister.

We also was to keep Amelie's birth mom and dad in China in our thoughts and prayers today. I only wish they could see what a happy, healthy, beautiful, smart, and funny little girl she is today.


Terri Krisavage said...

Heather you made me cry. Amelie is such a special little girl. You are so blessed to have not only her but a wonderful husband and Travers & Isabelle. I love you all, Auntie T

Jeff and Amy said...

Happy 1yr!!! Where does the time go and what a difference a year makes. What a blessing they are!!!

Stacie said...

Happy Amelie Day!!! I cannot believe our girls have been home a year. They have changed so much. Amelie's beautiful spirit shines through (as does all your kids)- I feel as if i almost know her.

Louanne said...

Congrats on 1 year! I love all the photos.